Hyaluronic acid

A filler that provides elasticity, hydration and volume to both facial and body tissue.

Hyaluronic acid acido-hialuronico


Many women would like to improve the contour of their body and face in a natural way, without the use of silicone implants or undergoing surgical procedures that involve the use of general anesthetic. As a result, injections of hyaluronic acid are becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that this is a simple and uncomplicated outpatient procedure.

It is now possible to increase or restore the volume and contours of some parts of the body, such as the gluteal muscles and calves, although it is generally used to improve irregularities of the face.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring substance found in the tissue of various types of animals. It can be synthesised in the laboratory in different forms to be injected to fill in fine wrinkles and deep creases, or to provide volume where required. Most of these products contain lidocaine to reduce discomfort during its application. Small bruises can also appear in the zone of application. Given that hyaluronic acid is a reabsorbable material its duration can vary widely (between 6 and 18 months), with this duration varying greatly from one person to another.

At present, fillers are very popular due to their ease of preparation and implementation as well as their safety, since they have no side effects.


It is highly recommended that hyaluronic acid facial fillers be combined with botox, with the two agents complementing each other to achieve better results.


How long does this treatment normally take?

The duration may vary from one person to another, and depends on the depth at which the implant is placed and the type of wrinkle treated. In general, it takes between 8 and 12 months.

Can hyaluronic acid be combined with other aesthetic medicine treatments?

Yes. After many years of experience, we have found that the combination of different treatments, ranging from products such as botox and hyaluronic acid to the use of peeling and mesotherapy, among others, are ideal for restoring natural harmony and facial beauty, currently known as mesoplasty.



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Llámenos al 965 206 059 o rellene el formulario para ponerse en contacto con nosotros:

  • Responsable del tratamiento: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: Concertación de citas, envío de información a través de medios electrónicos acerca de servicios prestados por el responsable del tratamiento, relacionados con su actividad profesional y que puedan resultar de interés para el usuario, así como invitación a eventos de carácter social a celebrar en el domicilio profesional del responsable.
  • Legitimación: La base jurídica del tratamiento la constituye el consentimiento expreso del titular de sus datos (Art. 6.1 a) Reglamento UE 2016/679)
  • Destinatarios: Los datos recabados no serán objeto de cesión ni transferencia internacional.
  • Plazo de conservación: Los datos serán objeto de tratamiento durante el tiempo necesario para la atención de la solicitud o consulta web efectuada, si bien el responsable del tratamiento se reserva el derecho a conservarlos durante los plazos legales establecidos en la normativa tributaria y mercantil, así como los previstos en las normas procesales a efectos de atención o interposición de acciones legales.
  • Derechos: Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación y portabilidad mediante comunicación escrita o correo electrónico: info@perezdelaromana.com

Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Política de Privacidad de nuestra web.


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  • Responsible for the treatment: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Purpose of processing: Arrangement of appointments, sending information through electronic means about services provided by the controller, related to their professional activity and that may be of interest of the user, as well as an invitation to social events to be held at the professional address of the organization.
  • Legitimation: The legal basis for the processing is the express consent of the owner of the data (Art. 6.1 a) EU Regulation 2016/679)
  • Recipients: The data collected will not be transferred to the third parties or internationally.
  • Period of preservation: The data will be processed for the time necessary to comply with the request or web consultation made, although the controller reserves the right to preserve them during the legal periods established in the tax and commercial regulations, as well as those provided in the procedural rules for the purpose of attention or legal action.
  • Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability by written communication or email: info@perezdela romana.com