Liposculpture of the pubis or mount of Venus with the laser
Liposuction of pubis corrects the excessive volume of the fatty tissue of the upper labia and gives a more youthful appearance to the region.
The most frequent alteration that occurs in the pubis is the excess of fat accumulation and in other cases the sagging of the pubic skin giving it an unsightly and aged appearance.
The treatment to remove fat from the pubis consists in liposuction of the area, which is usually done in combination with a removal of skin and elevation of the entire pubis, giving it a much more rejuvenated and attractive appearance.
What are the candidates for pubic liposculpture?
Women who accumulate fat on the genital area in an excessive way and that with a diet does not disappear.
How is the pubic liposculpture performed?
There are also cases, when there is an atrophy of fat in this area, which causes the pubis to be very aged and the skin to be sagging. In this case the treatment consists of performing a lipofilling in the pubis with fat extracted from the abdomen and also a lifting of the pubis, thus giving to it a younger appearance.
Duration, anesthesia and hospitalization of the mount of venus liposuction.
This type of surgery is short and can last from 30 minutes to an hour; it is usually performed under local anesthesia and sedation, unless combined with another type of surgery such as a wider liposculpture, a dermolipectomy etc. In these cases the surgeon will decide the type of anesthesia to be applied. If performed separately, the patient returns home a few hours after the procedure.How long is the postoperative period?
The recovery is quick and not painful. The rest is recommended for the next three or four days and a compressive garment to be worn for three weeks.The results of the pubic liposculpture
The results are visible after one month, allowing the woman to have a younger and more harmonious pubis.
Does it leave scars?
In the liposuction of the mount of Venus the scars are imperceptible and are hidden in the natural folds of the groin and will disappear with time.