Female intimate surgery
We bring together Plastic Surgeon and Gynecologist to treat all female genital alterations in a joint and complete way.
The aesthetic gynecology unit of the Instituto Pérez de la Romana is a multidisciplinary unit composed essentially of gynaecologist and plastic surgeon. Our Institute is one of the pioneers in Spain in laser treatment of the aesthetic and functional aspects of the genitals and the pelvic floor jointly.
There were cultural reasons that made women avoid talking about their urogenital health, making them continue suffering in silence.
Certain modern tendency factors in today’s society, such as total depilation, greater naturalness to speak about the genitals, and nudism, cause today’s society to pay more attention to the appearance and health of external genitals.
There are some congenital alterations that modify the normal development of the external genitalia, which makes the patient feel uncomfortable with her sexual organs and this has an impact on her sexual relations and daily social life with impossibility to wear very tight clothes, swimming suits, sport clothes, etc.
It is important to PROMOTE THE INTEGRAL WOMEN HEALTH both from the aesthetic point of view and in the prevention and treatment of possible gynaecological problems at any stage of their lives. In this way, freedom and trust are restored by improving the quality of life, by helping to strengthen women’s self-esteem.
Vaginal rejuvenation
Vaginal narrowing, postpartum recovery of the vaginal walls.
Urinary incontinence
The laser treatment for urine loss is a real revolution that significantly improves women´s quality of life.
Laser labioplasty
Laser Labioplasty of labia minora y labia majora is a minimally invasive treatment that provides precise results and fast recovery.
Hypertrophy of the clitoris
Thanks to the simple procedure the aesthetic and functional normalization of the clitoris is achieved.
Injections. Labia majora fillers.
Corrects the aged appearance of the labia majora with immediate results.
Liposculpture of the pubis
Corrects the excessive volume of the fatty tissue of the upper labia and gives a more youthful appearance to the region.
Allows to restore the muscles of the perineum area, thus returning the tension and tone which allows to recover the original function of this area.
Other disorders
The pathologies of the female intimate zone less frequent, but no less important.
This information is intended for persons over 18 years of age.
Intimate Surgery OPINIONS
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of anesthesia is used for the labiaplasty procedure?
It can be performed with epidural or local anesthesia and sedation.
How long do I have to stay in the hospital?
It is truly an outpatient surgery and you can go home the same day.
When will I be able to return to my job?
Usually in two or three days.
When can I have sex?
Normally after one month.
When can I go to the gym?
Normally after one month.
Are the scars usually noticeable?
No, in this area the scars disappear completely one month after the operation.
Is it normal to leak urine when sneezing or coughing?
No, urine leakage should NOT be understood as normal. It is an alteration in the continence system and a correct diagnosis must be made to assess why the leakage occurs.
Pelvic floor rehabilitation in combination with laser achieves a complete improvement.
I feel uncomfortable having sex since delivery, what can I do?
It is best to go to a gynecological center, where there is a gynecologist and a pelvic floor physiotherapist. After childbirth, small contractures may appear in the pelvic floor, the vagina is narrower and there is a feeling of pain or burning. If you have had a scar such as cesarean section, episiotomy or tear may appear the same symptoms.
In the face of all these symptoms, physiotherapy is the first choice of treatment with surprisingly fast results.
Is it good to always do pelvic floor contractions (Kegels)?
No, there are pathologies that are NOT indicated to do pelvic floor contractions. In fact, it could even worsen your dysfunction or pathology.
You should go to a specialist for a proper assessment and to make the appropriate recommendations to perform at home.
After the pregnancies my belly has not returned to the way it was before. What should I do?
After the distension of pregnancy, the rectus abdominis muscles are separated from the midline and partially lose their function and hernias (bulges) may appear in the midline of the abdomen and in the navel.
Through abdominal exercises, hypopressive exercises and other techniques we reinforce the abdominal girdle.
Although in more severe cases in which the separation of the muscles is greater, plastic surgery (Abdominoplasty) is necessary to repair the abdominal wall, through physiotherapy the muscle function is returned and through surgery the abdomen is reconstructed so that the structures and muscles return to their initial position.
What is the price of Female Intimate Surgery?
The price of Female Intimate Surgery is individual and depends on the treatment performed in each case.
At the Instituto Pérez de la Romana we offer you a financing plan with a quick and simple procedure for the comfort of our patients
More information about FEMALE INTIMATE SURGERY
Labioplasty – Genital Rejuvenation During the last years, demand for this type of surgery in the consultants of Plastic Surgeons has been considerable increased. This type of surgery doesn’t consist of a single intervention , it includes different corrections that can be performed in the external genitalia of