Nowadays a lot of people don´t have enough time to dedicate to their face or body care. That is why in the Instituto Perez de la Romana we have created the list of “Lunch-time treatments”.
We are happy to offer you the treatments that we call “lunch-time”, because you can have them done during your usual working day, as they are short in time and of an immediate recuperation. Thus, you can take the most of your day.
These treatments consist of biomaterial infiltrations, peelings, Laser and IPL (intense pulsed light) procedures.
Botox and Hyaluronic Acid
The use of different types of biomaterials or fillers returns to the face the homogeneity, luminosity and youthful and fresh appearance we desire so much.
The superficial treatments are the treatments with laser and chemical peelings that improve the external aspect of the skin, eliminating wrinkles, spots, pores and other skin defects.
They are aimed to fill in and regenerate the deprived zones of the face by means of infiltration of biomaterials, such as Hyaluronic acid, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or patient´s own fat.
With glycol acid or with an enzyme that generates the reaction of macrophagocytes.
Complete reconstruction of hairless eyebrows. Lashes extension method ONE TO ONE.
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