Laser labioplasty in Alicante

Laser Labioplasty of labia minora y labia majora is a minimally invasive treatment that provides precise results and fast recovery.

Laser labioplasty in Alicante labioplastia

Laser Labioplasty of labia minora y labia majora is a minimally invasive treatment that provides precise results and fast recovery.

Intimate laser surgery improves the appearance and functionality of the intimate area of the woman through various vulvar redesign techniques with laser technology. It offers women ambulatory and minimally invasive procedures, giving them back the harmony, self-confidence and trust that they need to live actively and without complexes.

Laser technology provides fast, effective and more accurate results, with less damage than conventional surgery for the delicate structures of the intimate area.The recovery period is faster, the risk of postoperative complications is minimal and without visible scarring. The results allow to recover the functionality and harmony of the intimate area.

In the anatomical structure of the vulva, the labia minora and the labia majora.

The correction of the labia minora is the most frequent and is called labioplasty of labia minora, but in some cases the labia majora are also altered, either by excess fat or by thinning when this area is aged. We will talk first about the labia minora and later about the labia majora.


Laser labioplasty in Alicante labioplastia-dif

What is labioplasty of the labia minora?

Reducing labioplasty is a surgical procedure that consists of a reduction of the vulvar lips, of excessive thickness or size, through minimally invasive techniques such as laser genital redesign allowing to improve and recover the aesthetic and functional appearance of the genital labia in women which produces discomfort in their intimate area. In many cases this dysfunction generates physical or psychological discomfort that come to generate complexes during sexual intercourse, in the practice of sport or even with the use of tight clothing.

What are the causes of hypertrophy of the labia minora?

The causes of hypertrophy of the labia minora are diverse and can have a congenital or hormonal origin, or due to the childbirth.

Labioplasty of labia minora with laser

It is a simple vaginal surgery performed in order to regain the harmony of your intimacy from a gynecological point of view, in which special attention is paid to the preservation of the functionality of the labia minora allowing to correct the thickness or excessive size. When the labia minora protrude over the labia majora is considered a hypertrophy that appears due to various causes.

There are different techniques that can be used depending on the case.

At the Institute Pérez de la Romana we perform this procedure with CO2 laser, because of the advantages of bleeding prevention and shorter recovery.

The postoperative period after the labioplasty.

It is a simple and quick surgery that is performed with local anesthesia and sedation.

The post-operative period after Labioplasty is a little annoying. The patients should have rest during the following 2-4 days depending on the extent of the intervention and the ability to recover. You may feel discomfort and swelling in the area for a few days, a sensation that usually disappears within a few days. The stitches will fall off in about two weeks.

Sexual relationships can be resumed in about a month.


The passage of time affects all the parts of the body, and the intimate area is not an exception. It also can show signs of flaccidity and laxity. The laser vaginal design procedures allow to return the smoothness and youth to the intimate area, thanks to techniques such as the lifting of the labia majora.

The laser is also applied in labioplasty for the labia majora, which reduces the size of the labia majora when they have an excess of fat or volume, rejuvenating the genital area improving its functionality and appearance.

Labioplasty augmentation of the labia majora.

Unlike reductive labioplasty, in this case the goal of genital redesign technique is to correct the size of the labia majora by restoring them.
Laser labioplasty in Alicante recurso-cirugia-intima2

In the event that there is a lack of fat and loss of firmness of the labia mayores, which occurs when aging or thinning, we perform the correction with fat grafts (lipofilling) of the fat of the patient and thus we get a smooth and the young aspect that has been lost.

This surgery allows you to correct these defects by gaining confidence and self-esteem.

What is the postoperative period after labioplasty like?

Labioplasty is an intervention that is performed with local anesthesia and sedation, the recovery period is 2-3 days, when you can resume your daily activity.

The results of labioplasty intervention

The results acheived by this surgery are very satisfactory, they help the woman to feel more confident, have their intimate zone rejuvenated, aesthetically attractive and harmonious without any discomfort.




This information is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

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  • Responsable del tratamiento: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: Concertación de citas, envío de información a través de medios electrónicos acerca de servicios prestados por el responsable del tratamiento, relacionados con su actividad profesional y que puedan resultar de interés para el usuario, así como invitación a eventos de carácter social a celebrar en el domicilio profesional del responsable.
  • Legitimación: La base jurídica del tratamiento la constituye el consentimiento expreso del titular de sus datos (Art. 6.1 a) Reglamento UE 2016/679)
  • Destinatarios: Los datos recabados no serán objeto de cesión ni transferencia internacional.
  • Plazo de conservación: Los datos serán objeto de tratamiento durante el tiempo necesario para la atención de la solicitud o consulta web efectuada, si bien el responsable del tratamiento se reserva el derecho a conservarlos durante los plazos legales establecidos en la normativa tributaria y mercantil, así como los previstos en las normas procesales a efectos de atención o interposición de acciones legales.
  • Derechos: Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación y portabilidad mediante comunicación escrita o correo electrónico:

Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Política de Privacidad de nuestra web.


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  • Responsible for the treatment: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Purpose of processing: Arrangement of appointments, sending information through electronic means about services provided by the controller, related to their professional activity and that may be of interest of the user, as well as an invitation to social events to be held at the professional address of the organization.
  • Legitimation: The legal basis for the processing is the express consent of the owner of the data (Art. 6.1 a) EU Regulation 2016/679)
  • Recipients: The data collected will not be transferred to the third parties or internationally.
  • Period of preservation: The data will be processed for the time necessary to comply with the request or web consultation made, although the controller reserves the right to preserve them during the legal periods established in the tax and commercial regulations, as well as those provided in the procedural rules for the purpose of attention or legal action.
  • Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability by written communication or email: info@perezdela