Liposuction and fat transplantation (lipofilling)

It is a technique to reduce volume, not to lose weight.

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Liposuction is a technique designed to eliminate accumulations of fat that render the corporal shape of patient unsightly and which cannot be eliminated through diet or exercise. Fat most commonly tends to accumulate on the abdomen, thighs, hips, knees, ankles, arms, armpits, back, face and neck.

The quality of the skin is an important condition for achieving a good result: after the fat is extracted, it is important that the skin retracts to leave a harmonic contour.


It is a technique that has improved greatly in recent years, using the latest generation liposuction devices to remove fat and retracting the skin, which was not possible before.

At the Instituto Pérez de la Romana we perform an exclusive technique to ensure the complete retraction of the skin and achieve perfect result. We associate BODYTITE technology based on Radio frequency (RFAL) and Microair (PAL). With this combination we get a high definition body remodelling.


Fat has a very important role because it can be transplanted to any area of the body that needs it without being reabsorbed, such as the face, breasts, gluteal muscles and legs, all by means of a prior purification of the fat. This technique is called lipofilling, or fat transplantation, and is currently used in most aesthetic body remodeling procedures.


Liposuction is usually performed with local anaesthesia and sedation, although in very extensive cases we use general anaesthesia, due to the patient’s preference or medical indications. Usually the patient can come back home the same day. The recovery is much shorter and easier than before, because the techniques we apply are minimally invasive, and anaesthesia is safe and precise. To facilitate the recovery process the use of a compressive garment and lymphatic drainage massages is needed.  The result can be seen practically at once, although the definitive result will be appreciated after the 2nd month.

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Along with breast augmentation, liposuction is one of the most widely-practised cosmetic surgery procedures due to its excellent results.



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After liposuction can I get fat again?

Not in the areas where fat has been removed, but in the areas where liposuction was not performed fat could accumulate if you do not continue following a proper diet.

How much weight will I lose?

Liposuction is not a technique to lose weight, but rather to eliminate fatty accumulations in certain areas of the body and therefore to reshape the figure. However, after the procedure the patient can lose some weight.

How long does it take for the inflammation to subside?

After liposuction, there tends to be slight swelling in the areas treated. For this reason, we recommend using a compression band for a month and lymphatic drainage massage (CDM) throughout the period of recovery, reducing the length of the post-operative period.

What type of anesthetic is used?

In the case of minor liposuction procedure or liposuction of a small area, local anaesthesia and sedation are used. During liposuction of a very large area or when we combine liposuction with another technique such as abdominoplasty, an epidural or general anaesthesia can be used.

Should I remain at the clinic after the procedure?

In all procedures, we attempt to offer our patients the safest environment and, except in the case of minor liposuction procedures (which we perform on an outpatient basis, when patients go home two or three hours after the procedure), our patients generally remain in hospital for 24 hours.

How long do I have to take off work?

Depending on the extent of the liposuction and the type of work of the patient the patient will be able to return to work after three days, or after a week if the liposuction is extensive.

When will I be able to resume sporting activities?

Usually, the patient wears a compression band for a month after liposuction. The patient can then resume their sporting activities once this period has ended.



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  • Responsable del tratamiento: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: Concertación de citas, envío de información a través de medios electrónicos acerca de servicios prestados por el responsable del tratamiento, relacionados con su actividad profesional y que puedan resultar de interés para el usuario, así como invitación a eventos de carácter social a celebrar en el domicilio profesional del responsable.
  • Legitimación: La base jurídica del tratamiento la constituye el consentimiento expreso del titular de sus datos (Art. 6.1 a) Reglamento UE 2016/679)
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  • Responsible for the treatment: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Purpose of processing: Arrangement of appointments, sending information through electronic means about services provided by the controller, related to their professional activity and that may be of interest of the user, as well as an invitation to social events to be held at the professional address of the organization.
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  • Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability by written communication or email: info@perezdela