Lips augmentation: Implants, Fat graft, Hyaluronic Acid
Lips Augmentation
The Lips have a great importance in the aspect and the beauty of the face. Fleshy lips give the face more youthful and attractive appearance.
At the Instituto Perez de la Romana we pay special attention to the size of the lips, avoiding exaggerated volumes.
Currently we have three types of treatments to make your lips more beautiful and rejuvenated:
- Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. It is a treatment that consists of infiltration of hyaluronic acid into the areas of the lips that need to be augmented or improved. It is a painless technique and is practiced in an outpatient basis.
The duration of the treatment’s effect is approximately from 6 months to 1 year.
- Lips augmentation with the proper fat. This technique is called LIPOFILLING, it consists of taking fat from a part of the body with fat accumulations, such as abdomen or hips, and after treating and purifying it, it is infiltrated into the areas that need to be treated.
The main advantage of this technique is that, being a fat of the body of the proper patient, the procedure will never produce intolerances. Also, it is much more durable than hyaluronic acid treatment and it stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin.
This technique is also highly recommended for treating vertical wrinkles in the upper and lower lip.
- Lips augmentation with permanent prostheses PermaLip™.
PermaLip™ are novel implants aimed to increase the volume and improve the aspect of the lips. It is a small soft silicone prosthesis with a smooth surface that perfectly adapts to the anatomical characteristics of each person’s lips and provides a natural, attractive and youthful result in both form and touch.
The procedure of placement of the implant Permalip TM is performed by means of small incisions in the internal part of labial corners, through which the implant is inserted to its place. These small incisions are imperceptible. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and it lasts for 30 minutes. The patient can resume her normal activity the next day.
The great advantage of this technique is that it is permanent, but in case if the patient wants to take them out, it can be easily done. The key is to choose the right size for each patient, there are several sizes and volumes that allow you to customize the procedure.
¿Hay distintos peeling químicos?
Si hay distintos peeling químicos, según la naturaleza del agente químico y la concentración del mismo y esto permite que sean más profundos o más superficiales.
¿Cuántos días de recuperación se necesitan después de un peeling químico?
Si el peeling químico es superficial como los de ácido glicólico el mismo día de la aplicación puedes realizar tu vida normal aunque estés un poco enrojecida la cara.
Con los peeling más profundos como el de tricloracético o fenol llevan una semana de recuperación.
¿Qué resultados tienen los peeling superficiales y los profundos?
Los superficiales eliminan manchas y arrugas superficiales y los profundos actúan a más profundidad eliminando manchas y arrugas más profundas.
¿Qué época del año es mejor para realizarme un peeling químico?
Los peeling químicos superficiales se pueden realizar en cualquier época del año, pero los profundos deben realizarse en periodos que no haya sol puesto que la exposición al sol es contraproducente ya que se podría pigmentar más la piel.
¿Después de los peelings es necesario utilizar protección solar?
Si, siempre después de realizarte un peeling deberás de ponerte unas cremas que te recomendaremos, de revitalización de la piel y de protección solar.