Injections. Labia majora fillers.

Corrects the aged appearance of the labia majora with immediate results.

Injections. Labia majora fillers. relleno-labios-mayores

Before talking about labia majora filler, we must talk about female dyspareunia, which mainly motivates the treatment we are going to talk about in this page: labia majora filler or infiltration.

What is female dyspareunia?

Female dyspareunia is the impossibility of maintaining sexual intercourse due to pain, which is often associated with problems of vaginismus, or endometriosis. The cause and the effect of it is not clear. In many cases its origin may be related to decreased lubrication. Pain in women may involve burning, contraction, or cutting pain, which may be produced in the inside or outside of the vagina, in the pelvic region, or in the abdomen area.

While most women have experienced pain occasionally during their sexual activities, in order to be considered a real disorder, these symptoms have to be chronic.

What are the causes of female dyspareunia?

The causes can be also of organic origin: infectious agents, genito-urinary diseases, irritations by barrier contraceptive material (condoms, diaphragm, intrauterine device, IUD, spermicides) and, in the third age it can occure due to senile vaginitis.

There can also be psychological causes: loss of interest in the partner, which can lead to inadequate vaginal lubrication, or lack of excitement at the time of penetration, inadequate education or anxiety.


Infiltraciones y relleno de labios mayores

To solve the dyspareunia we currently have a series of alternative treatments without surgery consisting of local infiltrations in the genitals:
  • Botulinum toxine. The infiltration of botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles of the vaginal wall, thus preventing their spontaneous contraction that makes the penetration difficult in some cases, making it painful.
  • Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic Acid infiltration has several functions:
  1. Hydrate and biostimulate tissues.
  2. Fill in, and add volume.
  • PRP: is an autologous biological material, which is obtained from the patient’s own blood. PRP infiltration has several functions:
  1. Hydrate and biostimulate tissues.
  2. Fill in, and add volume. Achieves a more rejuvenated appearance, obtaining a firmer and more luminous skin.

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