Hypertrophy of the clitoris

Thanks to the simple procedure the aesthetic and functional normalization of the clitoris is achieved.

Hypertrophy of the clitoris hipertrofia-de-clitoris-1

What is clitoral hypertrophy?

It is when the dimensions of the clitoris are disproportionate to the rest of the vulva.

The size of the clitoris may change due to endocrine disorders or may exist from birth, resulting in very unaesthetic and lose its function. The excess cap does not allow the proper functionality of the clitoris, reducing sexual pleasure and in some cases becoming painful during sexual intercourse. In most of these cases the patient develops complexes about the aesthetic aspect of her genitals.

Who is a good candidate to undergo clitoral hypertrophy correction?

Women who have developed the clitoris excessively and suffer the consequences of this fact are the candidates for this type of intervention.

What is involved in the reduction of clitoral hood?

The clitoral cap surgery allows to improve hypertrophy eliminating excess skin by improving the sensitivity of the area.

The laser allows to produce precise cuts that offer greater safety and efficiency in a such a dedicate procedure as the reduction of clitoral cap.


Duration, anesthesia and hospitalization of clitoral hypertrophy correction.

It is a very short procedure that usually lasts between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the scope of the procedure. It is performed under local anesthesia and sedation.

Results of clitoral hypertrophy intervention.

Thanks to this simple procedure, the aesthetic and functional normalization of the clitoris is achieved, as well as the rejuvenation of the area and improving the self-esteem and sexual life of the woman.

Postoperative recommendations for clitoral hypertrophy intervention.

The patient should have rest during approximately four days, depending on the scope of the intervention and personal recovery. It is not necessary to remove the stitches as they are disolvable. It is possible that for a few days you will feel discomfort and swelling in the area, in fact it is usual, and will normalize in a few days.

Little by little you will be able to return to normal life, but it will be the surgeon who will indicate how and when to do it. Sexual life may be resumed after one month, depending on each case, upon the Dr´s recommendations.

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