
To achieve a younger, more vital and more cheerful appearance

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A facelift is a form of facial rejuvenation which consists of lifting sagging tissue on the face and neck. This sagging is caused by age and external factors such as exposure to the sun, diet, pollution and stress.


Traditional facelift procedures insolved a general stretching of skin tissue of the face; the procedure was longer and recovery was slower. In recent years, we have used modern 3D facelift techniques that work the skin on a superficial level and the muscles but also filling in deep structures with fat from the body of the patient, giving the patient a younger and more natural appearance. This technique is known as the 3D facelift or lipolifting.


There is no ideal age for a facelift. However, patients tend to be between 40 and 60 years old, with the age of the patient depending on the degree of ageing and the elasticity of their face. Another factor is the desire of the patient: facelifts are now performed on people of 40 years old, whereas in past they were only performed on people at the age of 55 or 60.

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Brow lift

This technique is used in cases when the skin on the forehead shows signs of aging, with vertical and horizontal creases and drooping eyebrows. To correct creases on the forehead, we recommend the infiltration of Botox and peeling, achieving excellent results. When the eyebrows droop, we perform a brow lift using suspension points.

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Midface lift

In these cases, we see flabbiness and drooping tissue in the middle of the face. The treatment consists in lifting the tissue in this area (cheekbones and corners of the mouth) through invisible incisions within and behind the ears. It has recently been discovered that the major cause of aging is the loss of fat; thus, a mandatory step in all modern facelift procedures is the infiltration of fat of the patient to fill in and rejuvenate areas that have drooping skin.

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Cervical facelift

When the loose skin is on the neck, the treatment consists in removing the fat and stretching the muscles and the skin of the neck through (completely invisible) incisions behind the ear.


In some cases, a facelift can be performed with just a single scar at the bottom of the ear. This procedure is known as a MACS LIFT.

In most cases, MINI-FACELIFTS are associated with the rejuvenation of the face using fat taken from the patient.


Due to use of the most pioneering facelift techniques and separating it according to areas, the recovery is much faster than before and the patient can resume their usual routine within a week or two.


While facelifts are more common among women, we are now receiving requests for this procedure from many men.

Male facelift surgery requires good planning and close attention to details: the fact that men tend to have less hear means that it is more difficult to conceal the scar.

That is why at the Instituto Pérez de la Romana, we conduct a thorough analysis of the face with a multidisciplinary team prior to the procedure. The real-life cases and our extensive experience in facelifts in men guarantee the results.



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What type of anaesthesia is used in facelift procedures?

Facelifts and cervical facelifts are performed using local anaesthesia and sedation. The sedation consists in administration of a sedative medicine that causes a state of tranquillity and even physiological sleep in the patient, who does not feel any pain. The recovery process is gentle and the patient does not tend to vomit.

Should I remain at the clinic after the procedure?

Yes, it is advisable to remain at rest for 24 hours with the head elevated, to avoid bruising and to monitor the change.

How long does the result of the facelift last?

This varies from one person to another, depending on the quality of tissue and the facelift technique used. Usually, the result lasts between 7 and 10 years.

How long should I remain off work after the procedure?

Depending on the technique used and the extent of the facelift, the recovery time will be between 2 and 4 weeks.

If the facelift is performed on a single area such as the neck, recovery can be complete within two weeks with the help of lymphatic drainage massages. But in the case of a full cervical facelift with the associated lipofilling facelift, recovery will take 3-4 weeks.

However, the post-operative period is not painful and the patient will be able to resume their day-to-day activities from the second day after the procedure.

When will I be able to resume sporting activities after the facelift?

Post-operative recovery is a gradual process. usually, all patients can resume their sporting activities within a month after the procedure.

What is the best age at which to have a facelift for the first time?

There is no particular age: some people age faster than others, depending on the characteristics of the skin and other tissue.

Facelifts should be performed when there are signs of looseness in the face or neck and jawline has been lost. What we recommend is that the procedure is done before the signs of aging become very evident and the skin still retains its elasticity. A good age to consult on this decision is starting from 40.

Is it a painful procedure?

The post-operative period of the facelift is not painful. During the first few days you may feel discomfort and sensation of tightness in the areas operated on; this discomfort can be easily controlled with analgesics we recommend. Numbness and a loss of sensation in the areas close to the scars is normal. However, the sensation will gradually return to these areas.

It would be advisable to follow the recommendations regarding the position of the neck and head in bed, as well as other instructions that we give you.