What are the Bichat Bags?

Some people find their face too rounded, with excessively large cheeks. This dysfunction may be due to the accumulation of fat located in the cheeks, called Bags or Glands of Bichat.

These bags are formed under the cheekbones and usually give a slightly rounded shape to the face. In recent years many people have chosen to remove them and although it is a minor surgery, it is very important to choose a good surgeon who knows in depth the facial anatomy. 

At the Instituto Pérez de la Romana we offer a minimally invasive intervention to remodel the face and obtain the triangular facial form. Removing Bichat’s bags will sharpen the face, accentuate the cheekbones, and give a nicer look to the face.

The intervention consists of removing the Bichat bags, by means of an incision through the internal cavity of the mouth, so that no visible scars are left.

This operation is performed with local anesthesia and sedation, the patient can return home a few hours after treatment. Recovery time is between 2-3 days.


Can Bichat bags be reduced with the help of diet?

No, fat in this area doesn’t usually disappear with diet or exercise.

Is there any chance of the Bichat Bags growing again?

It is very unlikely that once removed they will grow again.

Is it  painful?

No. The procedure is done with local anesthesia and the recovery is quick and it does not bother.

Does it leave scars?

No. Since the incisions are made on the internal part of the cheeks, the technique does not leave visible scars.