The aesthetic gynecology unit of the Instituto Pérez de la Romana is a multidisciplinary unit composed essentially of gynaecologist and plastic surgeon. Our Institute is one of the pioneers in Spain in laser treatment of the aesthetic and functional aspects of the genitals and the pelvic floor jointly.
There were cultural reasons that made women avoid talking about their urogenital health, making them continue suffering in silence.
Certain modern tendency factors in today’s society, such as total depilation, greater naturalness to speak about the genitals, and nudism, cause today’s society to pay more attention to the appearance and health of external genitals.
There are some congenital alterations that modify the normal development of the external genitalia, which makes the patient feel uncomfortable with her sexual organs and this has an impact on her sexual relations and daily social life with impossibility to wear very tight clothes, swimming suits, sport clothes, etc.
It is important to PROMOTE THE INTEGRAL WOMEN HEALTH both from the aesthetic point of view and in the prevention and treatment of possible gynaecological problems at any stage of their lives. In this way, freedom and trust are restored by improving the quality of life, by helping to strengthen women’s self-esteem.
Without complexes
Labioplasty is the most demanded procedure. The asymmetry of the labia minora, an excess or redundancy of the same, or of the hood of the clitoris make the size of these organs larger than normal, thus they protrude continuously between the labia majora. This gives an unsightly appearance and conditions the patient while wearing the tight clothing, in sports practice, or in sexual intercourse.
Remove all the complexes with labioplasty.
It is a simple and quick surgery performed with local anesthesia and sedation in which the existing tissue excess is removed and the labia minora and/or the hood of the clitoris are remodeled, giving a more harmonious appearance. There are different techniques that can used, depending on the case.
In Instituto Perez de la Romana we perform this technique with CO2 laser, that prevents bleeding and makes recovery process shorter.
More self- confidence
Patients with excess of fat in the labia majora who wish to correct it, undergo the treatment consisting in reducing the major lips by liposuction and, in some cases, partial skin removal.
The opposite, is the lack of fat and loss of turgidity of the big lips, this happens because of aging or weight loss. In order to correct it, we perform fat grafts (lipofilling) with he fat of the same patient, recovering the turgidity and youthful aspect that have been lost.
With this surgery we correct these defects, and women recover their self-esteem and confidence.
Eliminates fat and elevates pubis
The most frequent alteration that occurs in the pubis is the accumulation of fat and in some cases the sagging of the skin of the pubis giving an unsightly appearance. The appropriate treatment for that consists in liposuction of the area, removing the excess of fat, which is usually done in combination with skin removal and elevation of the entire pubis, giving a much more rejuvenated and attractive aspect to this area.
The opposite case is the existence of fat atrophy in this area, which causes the pubis to look aged and the skin saggy. In this case the treatment consists in the opposite, i.e, in performing a lipofilling in the pubis with fat extracted from the abdomen, and also a lifting of the pubis, giving it more youthful aspect.
Revitalizing Your Sexuality
In most cases after childbirth there is a drooping and widening of the vaginal canal. These alterations inevitably cause disorders of sexual activity.
Perineoplasty consists in repairing defects of the posterior compartment of the vagina and perineum, it restores the tone and strength of the pelvic floor. It is also possible to repair any residual scars caused by complicated deliveries. This surgery allows to recover and normalize the sexual life.
All these types of interventions are performed with local anesthesia and sedation. In all these cases the patient can come back home after the procedure. The postoperative period is quite simple: It only requires rest for about four days at home and treatment with analgesics and antibiotic to avoid infections. The patient should pay special attention to hygiene using specific antiseptics and avoiding sexual intercourse during the first month.
Regain the control of your urine
Many women suffer from involuntary urine leakage and loss when coughing, sneezing, jumping, running, etc. It is undoubtedly a personal and social limitation for women.
The Laser technology, which we perform in Instituto Perez de la Romana allows us to provide the bioregeneration of the pelvic floor, returning to women absolute freedom: NO MORE PADS.
Regenerate your intimate area
With the onset of menopause there is a physiological cessation of estrogen production resulting in vaginal dryness. In this situation, laser bioregeneration allows to recover your sexuality. No more stinging or pain during sexual intercourse.
It is the only effective treatment in those patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Rejuvenate and narrow your vagina.
The loss of the tone of the vagina, leads to unsatisfactory sexual intercourse in women. It appears after the childbirth and the aging of the tissues of the area. The laser treatment narrows and regenerates the tissues of the vagina, achieving, through the neocollagenesis, normalization of sexual activity.
Solve them immediately
There is a number of sexually and non-sexually transmitted vulvar lesions, such as condylomatous warts, syringomas, scleroatrophic lichen, etc.
Laser treatment allows us to vaporize and resolve these lesions immediately and painlessly.
These treatments, which we perform at the Instituto Pérez de la Romana, are assisted with laser, with neither need of surgery nor anesthesia. The patient can immediately return to her normal life and sexual activity. The results are very satisfactory and her sexuality is significantly improved.
Botox (Botulinum Toxin)
The Botulinum toxin is injected in order to relax the muscles in cases of prolonged and involuntary contracture of the vaginal muscles, which causes pain or problems in penetration.
Hyaluronic acid
This technique achieves the filling and improvement of hydration of the vulvar tissue.
This treatment consists of fat transplanting, taking it from the same patient. The fat is infiltrated into the genital region that needs it. Due to the high content of mother cells, the regeneration of damaged tissues is possible.
By means of this technique, the atrophic or scarred areas after complicated deliveries or other damages can be filled and regenerated.
This information is intended for people over the age of 18.
This procedure is performed with local anesthetic and sedation.
It is really is an outpatient surgery, and the patient can go home the same day.
Normally within two or three days.
Normally after one month.
Normally after one month.
No, in this area the scars disappear completely from one month after the procedure.
No, urine leaks should NOT be considered normal. It is an alteration in the continence system and a correct diagnosis must be made to determine the reason(s) for the leak.
This problem can be resolved with rehabilitation of the pelvic floor combined with laser treatment.
The best thing to do is to go to an aesthetic gynecology centre, where there is a gynecologist and a pelvic floor physiotherapist. After childbirth, small contractions can sometimes appear in the pelvic floor, tightening the vagina and causing pain or a burning sensation. The same symptoms may appear if you have had a scar as a result of a caesarean section, episiotomy or tear.
Faced with all of these symptoms, physical therapy is the first choice of treatment and produces surprisingly fast results.
No: there are conditions for which it is not advisable to do pelvic floor contractions. Indeed, it could even worsen the dysfunction or pathology in question.
You must go to a specialist in order to receive a correct assessment, and so that they can provide you with appropriate recommendations to follow at home.
After the distention caused by the pregnancy, the abdominal rectus muscles move away from the midline and partially lose their function and hernias (lumps) can appear in the midline of the abdomen and navel.
We reinforce the abdomen through abdominal exercises, hypoppresive exercises and other techniques.
Although in more severe cases in which there is greater separation of the muscles, plastic surgery (abdominoplasty) is required to repair the abdominal wall. Through physiotherapy, the muscle regains its function function and the abdomen is reconstructed through surgery, so that the structures and muscles return to their original position.
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