- Data controller
- CIF: B53997789
- Registered office: Alicante, Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016
- Telephone: 965 20 60 59
- E-mail:
Since theresponsible person does not have a permanent establishment outside the national territory, it is not necessary to appoint a representative in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned regulations.
INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L. is a commercial entity with its own legal personality, duly registered in the Mercantile Register of Alicante, to volume 2918, Folio 55, Sheet A-91360, Inscription 1.
In addition, INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L. is not subject to the legal obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer, as it does not fall within the scope of Article 37 of EU Regulation 2016/679.
- Purpose of processing
Below have detailed the purposes of the processing of personal data of users collected through the web :
- Reception and attention of queries and information on services provided by the responsible, at the request of the user through the contact form located in the Tab “Contact” of the website.
- Request for quotation by side banner on the same website.
- Transmission of information through electronic means, with the express consent of the data subject, related to professional services provided by the controller, related to his professional activity, and which may be of interest to the applicant, as well as sending invitations to social events to be held at the professional address of the manager.
- Personal data collected
The contact form contains the following fields, which will be filled in by the user, and which will constitute the personal data stored in the data files of the controller:
Body of the message
Given the activity of the company, consisting of the provision of medical and cosmetic surgery services, it is capable of collecting in electronic communications with patients special category data and, in particular, health data. INSTITUTO QURÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L. shall adopt appropriate technical and organisational measures regarding the level of risk involved in the processing and storage of personal data, both in manual and computer media, in order to safeguard their due confidentiality, privacy and security, in accordance with the principles and guidelines imposed by the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, as well as Law 3/2018, Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.
The provision of the personal data of the applicant will be necessary for the provision of the service entrusted, assuming that the incorporation of the same is not impossible to comply with it.
INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L. does not realizase, through its computer system, logical processes of profile analysis so that it can assume a constant monitoring of the personal data of its users nor a systematic observation of their preferences for browsing the web
- Legitimation.
The collection of data from the patient and its subsequent processing is the result of the express consent of the patient, pursuant to Article 6.1 a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.
The lack of provision of personal data of the user and potential patient will lead to the impossibility of attending the required service, consisting in responding to requests for information from the controller via a contact box on the services provided by the undertaking, without liability to the business entity in the event that such personal information has not been provided.
- Preserving term of the data
The personal data collected through the website will be kept for the time necessary for the provision of the service, consisting in the reception and attention of the request for information made through the contact box of the website, as well as the arrangement of appointments and follow-up and evolution of the different medical-aesthetic services provided. However, the controller reserves the right to store the data provided during the time legally required for the fulfilment of obligations of a fiscal and commercial nature, and also for the attention and/or filing of any claims or legal actions of a judicial or extrajudicial nature.
- Intended recipients
INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L. will not transfer personal data of its patients and users of the website to any third person, natural or legal, except those that are imposed by a legal requirement, or are strictly necessary for the purposes of processing.
INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L. will not carry out any international data transfer with the personal information collected from its owners.
- Rights
The data subject shall at all times be entitled to exercise his legitimate right of access to the personal data contained therein in the databases of INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L.; request their rectification if they are inaccurate or outdated; request their deletion when the processing has become unnecessary; except for the legal rights of retention for the established legal period reserved by the controller; oppose the processing of your personal data; limit its processing or request portability to another controller; by writing to INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L., Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante, or by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address:, attaching in any case a copy of your ID, NIE, passport or any other document proving your identity.
INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO PÉREZ DE LA ROMANA S.L. will acknowledge receipt of your request for exercise of rights and will proceed to respond to it within the deadlines established in Regulation 2016/679, using for this purpose, if possible, electronic means within their reach.
You are also informed that you can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of your personal data does not comply with current regulations, and that the Spanish Data Protection Agency is competent for its resolution, based in Madrid, Calle Jorge Juan, 6, 28001.