
lipofiling tratamiento

Lipofiling – Instiute Perez de la Romana

Lipofiling is one of the new techniques in the esthetic surgery. It consists of removal of fat from some parts of the bodyand then its injection into other parts where it is necessary. The main object of this operation is to correct different body parts which have deteriorated over time or have “deflated” because of the aging of the tissues.

This method is most applied for such body zones as:

Lipofiling tratamiento-aumento-pecho-225x3001. Facial and cheekbone zones, nasolabial folds are the folds ranging from nose to the mouth, around the mouth and lips, the eyelids, the area of the cheeks and temple area. Also to enhance chin and jaw. This method is used to improve all faces which have suffered from premature aging or with the lapse of time have been deteriorated. It is possible to associate these techniques to face- lift.

2. Breast, especially for empty or hypotrophic breast after pregnancy and lactation or due to the pass of time and weight loss. The injection of fat from the body of the patient can improve the appearance of the breast in volume and external appearance of the skin because of the mother cells which produce tissue regeneration. The same situation occurs on the face. It greatly improves the external appearance of the skin.

3. Gluteal region where the total volume has been decreased with years or because of the weight loss is possible to use the filling from the fat of the patient. This technique can also be made with silicone implant but it will be much better united with lipofilling in order to conceal edges of the prosthesis.

4. It is also possible to use lipofiling in other parts of the body that need to be refilled after trauma or injury that has deformed the body shape.

This technique has changed almost fifteen years ago when it was first used. Earlier no fat filtration was made and marco injections of the fat were applied, which was reabsorbed in most cases. Today this technique has totally changed.

Technical changes are:

1. Fat aspiration is carried out under low pressure to avoid the damage of the fat cells and stem cells.

2.The preparation of the fat is carried out with special equipment where the fay is centrifuged, decanted, and finally fat is clean from plasmatic liquids that are discarded.

3. The fat injection is done with very small syringes in order to make microinjections of fat, and this is the key to ensure that the fat cells will be grafted and will survive. In that way 70 or 80% will be alive and take root forever.

Contraindications or complications:

The only contraindication that we have to make the treatment of Lipofilings is that the patient has fat. Fat is usually extracted from the hips, abdomen, inner thighs and the inside part of the knees. To evade any complications the operation must be done by a qualified plastic surgeon who performs in an operating room with all asepsis measures in order to prevent any infection during fat manipulation.


Llámenos al 965 206 059 o rellene el formulario para ponerse en contacto con nosotros:

  • Responsable del tratamiento: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: Concertación de citas, envío de información a través de medios electrónicos acerca de servicios prestados por el responsable del tratamiento, relacionados con su actividad profesional y que puedan resultar de interés para el usuario, así como invitación a eventos de carácter social a celebrar en el domicilio profesional del responsable.
  • Legitimación: La base jurídica del tratamiento la constituye el consentimiento expreso del titular de sus datos (Art. 6.1 a) Reglamento UE 2016/679)
  • Destinatarios: Los datos recabados no serán objeto de cesión ni transferencia internacional.
  • Plazo de conservación: Los datos serán objeto de tratamiento durante el tiempo necesario para la atención de la solicitud o consulta web efectuada, si bien el responsable del tratamiento se reserva el derecho a conservarlos durante los plazos legales establecidos en la normativa tributaria y mercantil, así como los previstos en las normas procesales a efectos de atención o interposición de acciones legales.
  • Derechos: Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación y portabilidad mediante comunicación escrita o correo electrónico:

Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Política de Privacidad de nuestra web.


Call us on 965 206 059 or complete the form to contact us:
  • Responsible for the treatment: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Purpose of processing: Arrangement of appointments, sending information through electronic means about services provided by the controller, related to their professional activity and that may be of interest of the user, as well as an invitation to social events to be held at the professional address of the organization.
  • Legitimation: The legal basis for the processing is the express consent of the owner of the data (Art. 6.1 a) EU Regulation 2016/679)
  • Recipients: The data collected will not be transferred to the third parties or internationally.
  • Period of preservation: The data will be processed for the time necessary to comply with the request or web consultation made, although the controller reserves the right to preserve them during the legal periods established in the tax and commercial regulations, as well as those provided in the procedural rules for the purpose of attention or legal action.
  • Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability by written communication or email: info@perezdela

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