Breast Asymetry

Asimetria Mamaria Instituto Perez de la Romana

Breast Asymetry – Institute Pérez de la Romana

Very frequently during medical consultation in the Institute Pérez de la Romana it is possible to observe patients with the breasts of different sizes. This breast asymmetry can be simple and practically imperceptible or very noticeable. The reason of breast asymmetry can be an alteration in the development of the breasts which is caused by excess or defect. The result is that one of the breasts has size breasts and this problem may cause great discomfort for the patient especially when one dresses and even when one shows one’s nude body.

This anomaly is quite among young women who are psychologically affected, especially when they go out and dress appropriately.

The anatomical diagnostics of these patients is essential and should be done from radiological point of view and from the point of physical examination.

There is a huge variation of deformities, sometimes only one breast is hypertrophied or both breasts can be hypertrophied but in different ways, or it may be an over-development of one breast and a lack of development of other. Also such well known alteration process as It can also occurs alteration process which is known as tubular or tuberous breasts when the breast tissue is minimal and areola and nipple are enlarged.

All these various types of asymmetrical breasts can be corrected by surgical treatment which produces good results. It is very important to make a good analysis of the type of deformities and try to make a correction which will be directed to each particular case.

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How to treat the Breast Asymetry

In cases of hypertrophied flabby breasts, it is necessary to elevate it and restore the position of the nipple where it belongs and equate it completely. In cases where there is lack of gland in one of the two sides, it is essential to use breast implants because in that way we will fill part of the breast that is insufficient or underdeveloped. In case of tubular breasts breast its necessary include breast implant to fill the breast tissue and reduce very enlarged areolas. This means that in every case it is possible to find solution after well-done clinical analysis of the deformity. These treatments are usually performed with general anesthesia and also local and sedation. Usually it lasts about two hours and the results are usually excellent. The patient can go home in one day. Often the surgeon prescribes drainage during first 24 hours.

Entrevista ao Doctor Pérez de la Romana sobre Reconstrucción Mamaria


Llámenos al 965 206 059 o rellene el formulario para ponerse en contacto con nosotros:

  • Responsable del tratamiento: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Finalidad del tratamiento: Concertación de citas, envío de información a través de medios electrónicos acerca de servicios prestados por el responsable del tratamiento, relacionados con su actividad profesional y que puedan resultar de interés para el usuario, así como invitación a eventos de carácter social a celebrar en el domicilio profesional del responsable.
  • Legitimación: La base jurídica del tratamiento la constituye el consentimiento expreso del titular de sus datos (Art. 6.1 a) Reglamento UE 2016/679)
  • Destinatarios: Los datos recabados no serán objeto de cesión ni transferencia internacional.
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  • Derechos: Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, oposición, limitación y portabilidad mediante comunicación escrita o correo electrónico:

Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Política de Privacidad de nuestra web.


Call us on 965 206 059 or complete the form to contact us:
  • Responsible for the treatment: INSTITUTO QUIRÚRGICO Pérez de la Romana S.L. (CIF B53997789), Avenida de la Albufera, 50, 03016, Alicante.
  • Purpose of processing: Arrangement of appointments, sending information through electronic means about services provided by the controller, related to their professional activity and that may be of interest of the user, as well as an invitation to social events to be held at the professional address of the organization.
  • Legitimation: The legal basis for the processing is the express consent of the owner of the data (Art. 6.1 a) EU Regulation 2016/679)
  • Recipients: The data collected will not be transferred to the third parties or internationally.
  • Period of preservation: The data will be processed for the time necessary to comply with the request or web consultation made, although the controller reserves the right to preserve them during the legal periods established in the tax and commercial regulations, as well as those provided in the procedural rules for the purpose of attention or legal action.
  • Rights: You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation and portability by written communication or email: info@perezdela

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