Gynecomastia – Institute Pérez de la Romana
Gynecomastia is a deformity that produces a lot of complexes in men of any age, but it is more common among young people and consists of the excessive development of mammary glands.
The reason of that pathology is abnormal development of the mammary glands which have female aspect. This problem causes drop in self-esteem of the person who is suffering from it and causes decrease in social activities. Many of these young people have never been to the beach or pool in their life and have never undressed in front of others, neither in the gym nor in their in intimate life. In the Institute Pérez de la Romana we investigate two forms of this deformity:
Authentic Gynecomastia. The main reason is the excess of mammary gland. The reason of Seudogynecomastia is an accumulation of fat in the breast region. Although, the most common is the association of both diseases.
In cases of presence of fat, the treatment consists of homogeneous fat aspiration. In cases of excessive development of the mammary gland, it must be removed.
The technique used by Dr. Pérez de la Romana is special because it connects two treatments – remove the mammary gland and then make liposculture to improve and standardize the entire pectoral region. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and sedation.
Patients come back home in several hour. The recovery period is very short and patients can come back to their daily routine in 2-3 days. The results are excellent; the patients get a completely normal chest without visible scars. The patients can fully recover their self-esteem.